The context of developing this project is one of the recommendations made to the Ministry of Trade at the 2016 session of the Cameroon Business Forum (CBF). This digital information portal on external trade, called "Cameroon Trade Portal", is also a World Trade Organization requirement under Article 1.2 of the Trade Facilitation Agreement. This is a tool whereby Cameroon meets with a click international trade stakeholders' expectations relating to, inter alia, import and export procedures, transit of goods and business opportunities in Cameroon.

The portal is a web platform, implemented by the Ministry of Trade (MINCOMMERCE) with the support of a technical partner, the Single Window for External Trade Transactions (GUCE), on which regulatory information on external trade in Cameroon (the administrative procedures, the applicable fees, the duration of each proceeding and the laws that apply to cross-border trade) are published.

The key benefits of the Cameroon Trade Portal are :

  • - to provide current, potential and other stakeholders with full transparency on import and export rules and procedures through a detailed description, including the description of dates of the steps to be taken, such as seen from the user's view;
  • to facilitate the simplification of procedures by making it easy to identify unnecessary steps and requirements;
  • to reduce the cost, time and effort spent on finding trade information;
  • to promote public-private dialogue through a common understanding of rules and procedures.
